Quiz Not including major purchases like a home or car, how has the size of your debt monster changed over the last year? Has it become...* Much smaller A little smaller No change A little bigger Much bigger Too scared to look! How often do you need to use credit or loans to get through the month?* Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never What is your debt monster made of? Select all that apply.* Student loans Mortgage Credit cards Auto loans Personal loan from a bank or credit union Medical debt Home equity line of credit Finance company loan Rent-to-own furniture or appliances Payday loan Title loan Judgement Collections None Other Which of your debts are scary? Select all that apply.* Student loans Mortgage Credit cards Auto loans Personal loan from a bank or credit union Medical debt Home equity line of credit Finance company loan Rent-to-own furniture or appliances Payday loan Title loan Judgement Collections None Other Which best describes how you make credit card payments?* I pay off my credit cards every month I pay more than the minimum every month I make minimum payments every month I pay less than the minimum sometimes I have credit card debt that I'm not paying How often are your debt payments late?* Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always Question 1 of 5 20%